This well-known water park in Colombia is home to a massive array of ProSlide water rides, including several of the company’s first in the country.
Piscilago Water and Conservation park is one of the most recognized attractions in the country of Colombia. Located just five minutes from the city of Melgar, Piscilago offers a diverse array of attractions for visitors to the park including a Piscilago Zoo, conservation areas, and a world-leading water park.
ProSlide has worked with Piscilago on ten projects spanning a 19-year relationship. The two first worked together in 2001 when ProSlide installed a high-speed PIPEline serpentine ride at the Bogota water park. ProSlide and Piscilago have continued to work together over the years, installing 16 additional water rides, including a ProRACER, OctopusRACER, and TornadoWAVE.
Since they first partnered, Piscilago and ProSlide have leveraged their long-term relationship to transform the park into an almost exclusively ProSlide park. Unique ProSlide installations like the immersive WaterKINGDOM and iconic TORNADO, along with the country’s first ProRACER, TornadoWAVE, BehemothBOWL, and MAMMOTH have helped establish the park as a distinct destination in Latin America.
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