A straight vertical plummet

FreeFALL sends riders down a straight plummet to an almost-vertical drop that delivers intense thrills and high-speed velocities.

Ride Features

  • An almost vertical drop into the narrow flume
  • Riders traverse through the flume at incredibly high speeds
  • Expertly engineered compound curves ensure guests transition smoothly to the exit
High-performance speed

High performance speed

Body Slide

Body slide

Up to 7 stories

up to 7 stories

FreeFALL - Ride Experience

Thrilling experience drives repeat ridership

Riders experience a six-story drop into six inches of water

Compound curves and narrow flume ensure guests smoothly transition to the exit

Add a SkyBOX drop launch system to create truly breathtaking experience


We are transforming water parks around the world with our award-winning innovations year after year.

Award Winning


Golden Ticket Award

Best NEW Water Park Ride
FreeFALL with SkyBOX
Six Flags White Water

Featured Projects

With creative theming, the FreeFALL has become the signature attraction of many parks.

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“It’s always about the rides – and that’s why we rely on ProSlide”

- Ed Hart, Kentucky Kingdom

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