ProSlide Water Coasters are powerful, performance-driven attractions that push the boundaries of what water rides can accomplish. They’re the most sought-after attractions in the water park industry and it’s easy to understand why. ProSlide Water Coasters deliver unmatched, high-performance guest experience, use efficient and cutting-edge technology, are major drivers for park attendance, create repeat ridership, are visually impressive, and offer limitless custom track design possibilities.
ProSlide boasts two proprietary and patented water coaster propulsion technologies – HydroMAGNETIC and Multi-Nozzle BLAST. Each technology offers unique advantages to deliver the best guest experience for your park. Every ProSlide Water Coaster comes with a safety-rated control system customized for your ride to maximize throughput and payload, optimize energy efficiencies, and simplify ride operations and maintenance.
Proslide water coaster technologies set up riders for an experience that feels more like a traditional roller coaster. Focused on acceleration, speed, and racing, these advanced water coasters are state-of-the-art attractions that achieve high performance and provide excitement.
Check out our current options to see what your water park is missing.
Here’s why ProSlide water coasters are the best-in-class rides in the world:
We’ve taken the legendary MAMMOTH rafting ride and infused it with ProSlide’s proprietary, and patent-protected LIM-powered HydroMAGNETIC technology to deliver the world’s only 6-person water coaster. Anticipation skyrockets as the conveyor powers the raft up the first steep climb. Rounding the summit, the raft plummets into a high-speed chute before swinging around a sharp turn and a heart-pounding drop. With massive entertainment at record-breaking capacities, the HydroMAGNETIC MAMMOTH delivers an experience unparallel by any other water ride and is the ultimate family thrill ride.
The world’s first LIM-powered water coaster, the ProSlide HydroMAGNETIC Rocket changed the industry forever, combining high capacity with a tight footprint to deliver a legendary ride experience. The HydroMAGNETIC ROCKET is the world’s fastest, most energy-efficient water coaster in the world, that can climb longer and steeper hills than any other water coaster in the world. This award-winning coaster uses fast and furious inline boats and makes guests feel like they are flying down a bobsled run. Plus, the HydroMAGNETIC ROCKET features state-of-the-art safety features and real-time remote diagnostic services that keep guests safe and secure while proactively prolonging equipment life.
ProSlide’s MammothBLAST Water Coaster is the highest capacity single-lane water propulsion coaster in the world. MammothBLAST is a unique combination of speed, power, and control that makes the ultimate rafting adventure. Able to accommodate up to five riders at a time in a face-to-face position, the MammothBLAST Water Coaster is the first true family adventure ride equipped with advanced multi-nozzle BLAST technology that propels rafts uphill higher, faster, longer than conventional designs. Our patented water jets drive boats, up to 50% steeper inclines faster and use 60% less power than traditional water propulsion technology, offering efficiency while also optimizing water and power requirements.
Powered by our exclusive multi-nozzle technology, the ProSlide RocketBLAST has reinvented water propulsion coasters with heart-stopping turns, lightning-fast drops, and thrilling speed. This revolutionary water coaster features precisely positioned sequential water jets capable of driving boats that are double the payload uphill faster, longer, and through steeper inclines than conventional sheet flow rides, delivering uncompromising force and ensuring maximum capacities. The ProSlide RocketBLAST uses revolutionary block zone technology to support multiple boats simultaneously, further boosting ride capacity.
Dueling PIPElineBLAST®
We’ve supercharged the Dueling PIPEline serpentine ride with our multi-nozzle water jet-propelled RocketBLAST technology and engineered a lightning-fast competitive racing experience that draws crowds. This thrilling new attraction features ProSlide’s proprietary and patented RallyPOINT technology – competitive dueling zones with low-separator lanes that allow riders to see and hear the action as they rocket to the finish.
Launched Dueling RocketBLAST®
ProSlide’s Launched Dueling RocketBLAST provides the same exciting experience as the Dueling RocketBLAST while starting the ride with a conveyor launch, building excitement as the riders prepare for the drop. The Launched RocketBLAST features the only water propulsion technology in the world powerful and efficient enough for the ride to start and end at the same elevation. When located at grade, this ride is easily accessible by riders with disabilities to their legs. It also means cost savings by eliminating the requirement for a start tower and significantly reducing the volume of required steel ride supports.
ProSlide offers coasters for every budget, location, and water park size. Get in touch with us today to discuss adding ProSlide high-performance water coasters to your major chain or family-owned water park.