Throughout the year we have seen a lot of new and exciting rides come onto the market. Each year we push ourselves and each other to create new and innovative rides that captivate our fans and drives attendance for our clients.
Winning a Golden Ticket Award requires relentless design, unparalleled passion and a dream. It requires a park that is willing to go outside the box and push the boundaries to captivate the hearts of their guests.
Congratulations to all of the best parks and their best rides that won at this year’s Golden Ticket Awards, and a special shout-out to Holiday World’s Wildebeest (ProSlide® HydroMAGNETIC® ROCKET®) for winning their 10th consecutive #1 Best Water Ride award!
Best Water Ride Award Winners
#1 Best Water Ride — Holiday World’s “Wildebeest”
(ProSlide® HydroMAGNETIC® ROCKET®)
Best New Water Ride Award Winners
#1 Best New Water Ride — Water Country USA
“Cutback Water Coaster”
(ProSlide® RocketBLAST®/ FlyingSAUCER 30®)
Thank you to all of this year’s Golden Ticket Award winners! Your dedication and passion drives us to continue building the world’s latest and greatest water rides.
Do you want your water park to be featured in next year’s Golden Ticket Awards? Get in touch with our expert water slide manufacturers and designers today.